Stephen Ministry
In the book of Acts, chapter 6, Stephen was chosen to provide caring ministry to those in need. Continuing this high calling, Stephen Ministers reach out with God’s love to people who are hurting—to both congregation members and non-members of the community.
We fill a gap, between the Deacons and the Pastors, of caring in a special way for those hurting, discouraged, stressed, broken, struggling, from the crises of life. We provide emotional and spiritual care, one to one, to allow God to be the one who meets their needs. Our ministry is completely confidential; not secret, but private.

What you can do to participate! Do you know someone, a friend, co-worker, neighbor, or relative, who could benefit from Stephen Ministry?
TELL them about it. INVITE them to call.
PRAY for God to bring hope and healing to hurting people through Stephen Ministry
CONSIDER becoming a Stephen Minister. Requirements are only a genuine relationship with Christ, be a good listener with a heart of compassion and complete the training and ministry commitment.
In prayer ASK GOD to give you sensitive eyes and heart to take the initiative in looking for those in personal crisis. It is the single largest factor that causes most people to try church for the first time.
ASK YOURSELF if you could benefit from being a care-receiver?
TALK to a Stephen Minister today.
Contact: The Church Office